Deploying Jekyll to a VPS

Part 4: Adding an Asset Pipeline

An asset pipeline is a key component of a web stack these days, since most people don’t want to manually run preprocessors, resize images, and concatenate files. And while it may not be a big deal for a static website, depending on the site, saving time for yourself and your user is never a bad idea.

Adding the Asset Pipeline

The jekyll-assets library is a wonderful asset pipeline plug-in designed for Jekyll. It supports a wide range of preprocessors, allows for easy asset compression, can automatically resize images, and more. Plus it’s built on top of the popular sprockets library resulting in a rock solid foundation.


First we’ll need to add the jekyll-assets dependency to our Gemfile to begin.

source ""
gem "jekyll", "2.5.3"
gem "jekyll-assets", "0.14.0"
gem "therubyracer", "0.12.2"
group :development do
gem "capistrano", "3.4.0"
gem "capistrano-bundler", "1.1.4"
gem "capistrano-rbenv", "2.0.3"
Adding a jekyll-assets dependency to our existing Gemfile.

And then we just need to load it as a Jekyll plug-in by creating a simple _plugins/assets.rb file.

require "jekyll-assets"
Require the library as a plug-in in the _plugins/assets.rb file.


The basic configuration is great, but we can do better. Let’s simplify our Sass with Bourbon, enable CSS and JS compression to save our users time, and cache the compiled files to save us time.

First let’s add the bourbon library for Sass mixins and the uglifier dependency for JavaScript compression to our Gemfile.

source ""
gem "bourbon", "4.2.5"
gem "jekyll", "2.5.3"
gem "jekyll-assets", "0.14.0"
gem "therubyracer", "0.12.2"
gem "uglifier", "2.7.2"
group :development do
gem "capistrano", "3.4.0"
gem "capistrano-bundler", "1.1.4"
gem "capistrano-rbenv", "2.0.3"
Adding a bourbon and uglifier dependencies to our existing Gemfile.

We need to require jekyll-assets/bourbon to enable Bourbon. Note that there is mention of removing this in a future version of jekyll-assets.

require "jekyll-assets"
require "jekyll-assets/bourbon"
Adding Bourbon to the _plugins/assets.rb file.

Now we can add our asset configuration to our Jekyll _config.yml file to enable caching and compression.

cache: true
js_compressor: uglifier
css_compressor: sass
# ...
Adding asset configuration to the _config.yml file.

If you do cache the assets you will want to add .jekyll-assets-cache to your .gitignore file.


A jazzy asset pipeline isn’t much use if it’s not in use. The README provides a great explanation of the tags and filters available to us. But for a quick explanation, let’s say we have the following asset files.

We can render tags for them in a template with the new Liquid tags.

title: Assets Example
permalink: /assets-example/
{% stylesheet application %}
{% image logo.png %}
{% javascript newsletter %}
A short example Liquid template with asset tags in an file.

Relative URLs

By default the pipeline will prepend /assets/ to the asset path, but there may be certain cases when an absolute URL is neccessary. We can change the base URL for assets in the Jekyll configuration. And this is useful if you’re using a separate domain or CDN for your assets.

baseurl: ""
# ...
Adding an asset base URL to the Jekyll configuration.

While this is an easy change, we don’t want to try loading our local assets from our production server. The handy configuration setting we added in the second part of the series allows us to add the setting to _config_production.yml and use it when deploying remotely.

# ...
# Define a custom configuration file, where the production version will
# overwrite the global version.
set :configuration, "_config.yml,_config_production.yml"
Defining custom configuration in config/deploy/remote.rb.

Improving HTTP Caching

While the asset pipeline will help minify our CSS and JS file sizes, we can also add gzip compression and improve the HTTP caching for all assets. Note that since any asset URL will contain a digest making it unique, we can cache them far into the future.

server {
root /var/www/;
location ~ "^/assets/" {
# Enable gzip compression.
gzip_vary on;
gzip_static on;
# Leverage browser caching.
add_header ETag "";
add_header Expires "Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT";
add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=315360000";
Improving asset caching in the site-cookbooks/server/templates/default/example.nginx file.

For any further performance, the Google PageSpeed Tools can be helpful.


We now have a full asset pipeline complete with performance improvements, which is sure to make our website insanely fast to load. See the jekyll-vps-server repository for the complete Chef source code, with the part-4 branch being specific to this article. The website source code is available in the jekyll-vps-website repository, with the part-4 branch being relevant.

In the next part we’ll switch to be HTTPS only. E-mail me if you have any tips, comments, or questions.