Multiple Sessions in Cucumber
This is now included in the Capybara library.
Multiple sessions are not often needed when writing Cucumber scenarios. Normally to validate that a user can or can not see what another user created you would simply sign in as another user. However, this is not the case when you use WebSockets to deliver information in real-time. If you were to sign in as another user there would be no record of the previous events.
The Solution
While searching for a solution I found “Cucumber Testing for Multiple Users” by Bernard Potocki. He shows how to achieve multiple sessions with Cucumber and Selenium, but I wanted to make it easier.
Drop the following into cucumber/support/sessions.rb
module Capybara module Driver module Sessions def set_session(id) Capybara.instance_variable_set("@session_pool", { "#{Capybara.current_driver}#{}" => $sessions[id] }) end
def in_session(id, &block) $sessions ||= {} $sessions[:default] ||= Capybara.current_session $sessions[id] ||=,
set_session(:default) end end endend
Now you can write step definitions such as:
Given /^a user named "([^"]*)" is online$/ do |name| in_session(name) do Given %{I am on the homepage} When %{I fill in "Name" with "#{name}"} And %{I submit the new user form} endend
Which allows for scenarios to deal with multiple sessions.
@javascriptScenario: Visitor creates a user successfully with another user is online Given a user named "Sue" is online # Create a new session and user. And I go to the homepage # Back in the original session. When I fill in "Name" with "Bob" And I submit the new user form Then I should be on the users page And Sue should see "Bob has entered the room." # Switches to the "Sue" session.
Conclusion & Example
It’s very comforting knowing that I can test interactions between two users now. And while I have not tried it yet, you can potentially test interactions between a group of users.
I have created a basic example, cucumber-websocket-example, which demonstrates the above code.